Monthly Leader Lunches: Plant Fort Worth (Spring 2025)
Come consider your church’s role in multiplying the gospel… together!
Jesus’ commission to the church was to make disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them to observe all that he commanded. Jesus’ mission for us was, essentially, to plant the Gospel in the city and to plant churches of Gospel-formed people. Every month, multiple leaders from multiple churches across the Fort Worth area — representing multiple veins of theology and practice — come together to consider how we can partner together to see our area saturated with the gospel. We’d love for you to join us!

Exponential Global Conference
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” – John 14:12
Jesus Wants Us To Experience The “Greater Things”
Experience the “greater things” Jesus has in store for us – a life beyond good, aiming for greatness. Following Jesus’ mission leads to a flourishing life, not just settling for the ordinary. Let’s move beyond mere growth to creating a multiplying movement, building God’s Kingdom together. Jesus calls us to embrace the extraordinary and resist the temptation of building our own empires, focusing solely on advancing His Kingdom.

Jesus in the Public Square
What does it look like to not only talk about Jesus, but to live like him in everyday life?
How can we put God’s charges – like unity and remembering the poor – into tangible action?
And how can church leaders equip God’s people to these things, wherever they live, work, learn, and play?
Jesus doesn’t just matter in the context of church community; He matters in the public square!

2025-26 Residency Labs: APPLY TODAY!
The Equipping Group, in partnership with other networks & orgs, has developed multiple year-long residency processes to serve you! Whether you are trying to discern your call and fit for ministry, whether you’ve recently stepped into a new role, or whether you are a veteran minister looking to grow God’s people into developed, disciple-making disciples. We’re honored to partner with various organizations, denominations, networks and churches, to provide training for ministry and planting!

Exponential Multipliers Learning Community: APPLY TODAY!
The Multipliers Learning Communities were created to help forward-thinking leaders engage in peer-to-peer learning about the future of the church. Exponential’s Multipliers Learning Communities has served hundreds of diverse Kingdom leaders over the last decade guiding them to the critical paradigm shifts to embrace their vision and purpose to:
1. Lead churches that make disciples,
2. Mobilize their church into daily mission, and
3. Build a legacy of lasting Kingdom influence through starting new churches.
4. Learn what it means to be a Multiplier, a healthy disciple making leader who champions reproduction.

Should *I* Plant a Church?
Why would I want to plant a church?
Am I “called” to take such a big step?
How do I know if I have the right gifting?
There are many reasons to plant a church – some good and healthy; others less so. And there is no single personality type or gift mix that makes someone a planter or not. So… how do you know if it’s for you or not?
Your church has a role to play, in equipping and sending for God’s mission. Join us online for this free workshop as we discuss these questions and more.

Saturate’s Disciple-Making Workshop
You know you are called to make disciples of Jesus, but if you are honest, you feel lost or overwhelmed to know how to actually do this in your context.
We know how exhausting it is to do all the things a leader in the church today is expected to do. We want to help you get back to the basics of who Jesus called you to be and do—making disciples who make disciples.
Join us for a digital workshop!
Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly will equip you to take next steps in shaping a unique disciple-making pathway for your context.

Soma Family 2025 Retreat
Leadership in the New Testament was based on teams of coworkers rather than exalted individuals. These teams were made up of men and women and they valued various giftings.
Leadership in the New Testament was based on service rather than lording over others. The New Testament shied away from title and privilege, and focused instead on role and mutual honoring.
Soma believes that leadership should be team-based, include men and women, value various giftings, and look to serve the church rather than gaining status or privilege.
Therefore, we are inviting leadership teams in existing Soma churches, church plants, and adoption cohorts to be strengthened and equipped in community at the 2025 Soma Retreat. Our hope is to bring content that will benefit local church staff, MC leaders, deacons, worship teams, and financial personnel.

World Mandate
God’s glory has filled the earth - have you felt it?
Right now, the earth is filling up with the presence of Jesus - can you feel it?
The entire earth will be filled with the people of God on the mission of God for the glory of God - will you join it?

Church Planting Conference: Plant Fort Worth
Every church has a role to play in God’s plan for multiplication!
Dave Ferguson (Exponential US) will lead Plant Fort Worth’s 2025 conference as we explore a church’s vision, culture, time-tested steps, and tangible ways to multiply disciples, multiply leaders, multiply groups, and multiply churches... all of which multiply the good news of Jesus and his kingdom.
Main sessions, breakouts, prayer, processing, stories, food, and more: join us in Fort Worth, Jan 14 - 15, 2025.

Exponential National: Central
One Eighty - The Return To Disciple Making
Are you concerned about the state of discipleship in the American church? Join us for a transformative event where we will tackle the pressing issue of why disciple making is struggling in today’s church landscape. Discover the five crucial shifts that will revolutionize your disciple-making strategy and propel you towards making disciples who not only follow Jesus but also impact the world around them.

‘Round the Fire - Fall 2024
Are you worn out from doing ministry & serving Jesus in your own strength?
Do you find yourself relying more on your strategies than God's supernatural power?
Have you wondered what depending on God actually looks like in your life and ministry?
Come find answers to questions like this at our Fall 2024 ‘Round the Fire Training, with Alex & Hannah Absalom. For ministers, church leaders of any kind, and everyday followers of Jesus, discover tangible ways to abide with Christ and pay attention to the Spirit -- in your life, mission and ministry. Join us ‘round the fire this November!

Exponential National: West
One Eighty - The Return To Disciple Making
Are you concerned about the state of discipleship in the American church? Join us for a transformative event where we will tackle the pressing issue of why disciple making is struggling in today’s church landscape. Discover the five crucial shifts that will revolutionize your disciple-making strategy and propel you towards making disciples who not only follow Jesus but also impact the world around them.

October Workshop (FREE online)
What if every church followed God’s leading in sending, and were willing to pray and give away our finances, and even our best leaders?
What if we could do so, not in our church’s 20th or 200th year of existence, but in its second year?
And what if we could at least start down that path, not when we have 200 or 2000 people engaged, but when we have 20 people?
Your church has a role to play in
equipping and sending for God’s mission...
let's discover what it is, together!

Australia Immersions
Jess & I are hono(u)red to serve God’s mission & be with some great people across Australia again in 2024! We’ll be doing deep dives on gospel fluency, everyday discipleship, mission, marriage & parenting, & more, from Sydney to Perth.

Roundup 2024
A three day collaborative equipping event for church-based college ministry teams focused on reaching students with the gospel, developing them into disciples, and sending them into strategic kingdom places.

Plant Fort Worth Monthly Leader Lunch
Every month during the 2023-’24 school year, Plant Fort Worth hosts lunches for church leaders, potential planters, and those interested in ministry. Ben often hosts and sometimes teaches, and each lunch is part of a ministry residency’s training week. Come join us — click each date to learn more and find your place in planting “for Fort Worth and from Fort Worth”!

Mental Health in Ministry (with Wendy Alsup)
Details coming soon
Professor, speaker, & author Wendy Alsup joins us to consider the wax and wane of mental health among ministers. Maybe you’re new to ministry or seasoned or somewhere in between. Maybe you feel weary or healthy or a mix of both. Whoever & wherever you are, join us for a check-in on your heart, soul, mind, and strength, in this last free workshop of the semeseter.

Disciple-Making Workshop (with Jeff Vanderstelt) (Copy)
Claim your spot for this interactive workshop with Jeff and Ben, as they facilitate teaching, exercises, conversation, and real-time coaching with you and your team, alongside a limited number of other leaders. We will explore your church’s disciple-making efforts, and consider different elements of your church’s culture. The goal of this time is to empower you as you create a thoughtful disciple-making pathway, contextualized specifically for your church.

‘Round the Fire: Politics & the Gospel (with Kaitlyn Schiess)
Details coming soon
Are you ready to navigate the political tumult that will define much of 2024? Are you ready to lead God’s people into a wise view of interacting with others and being a witness to Jesus, even in the division and venom of a national election year? Kaitlyn Schiess (Holy Post podcast, Duke Divinity School) will help us navigate politics through the lens of the gospel — join us for this much-needed conversation!

Plant Fort Worth Monthly Leader Lunch
Every month during the 2023-’24 school year, Plant Fort Worth hosts lunches for church leaders, potential planters, and those interested in ministry. Ben often hosts and sometimes teaches, and each lunch is part of a ministry residency’s training week. Come join us — click each date to learn more and find your place in planting “for Fort Worth and from Fort Worth”!

Disciple-Making Basics (with Jeff Vanderstelt)
You and your team have the opportunity to listen in as Jeff and Ben look into churches’ common disciple-making efforts, and introduce key starting points for developing a disciple-making culture across your church. You will consider elements of your current ministry philosophy, disciple-making spaces, stages of growth, and receive some tools to frame up next steps in your disciple-making efforts.

Using Summer for Discipleship (with Daniel Yang)
Details coming soon
Author, pastor, & advocate Daniel Yang joins us to help shape summer — often a ‘dead time’ of the year — to reflect, reform, pray, & plan your organization’s discipleship efforts for the rest of the year.

Disciple-Making Workshop (with Jeff Vanderstelt)
Claim your spot for this interactive workshop with Jeff and Ben, as they facilitate teaching, exercises, conversation, and real-time coaching with you and your team, alongside a limited number of other leaders. We will explore your church’s disciple-making efforts, and consider different elements of your church’s culture. The goal of this time is to empower you as you create a thoughtful disciple-making pathway, contextualized specifically for your church.

Exponential Global Gathering (Orlando, FL)
Although making disciples is the clear mission of the Church, when asked, most churches say that making disciples who make disciples is still their biggest weakness.
We sense God is calling the church to return to its primary purpose, to make disciples who make disciples.
In order for us to do that we must make a one eighty turn with five essential shifts back to disciple-making in our life and leadership. Join 5,000+ leaders and practitioners to multiply your insights and impact.

Jesus’ View of Leadership (with JR Woodward; free, online)
What if we've missed the point of "church leadership"?
Why are so many Christian celebrities who "rose," now "falling"?
Could it be that words like "celebrity" & "high profile" are never intended to refer to those leading God's people in the first place?
Author & missiologist Dr. JR Woodward thinks that for all the talk about Christian leadership right now, we might be missing the root cause of the current crisis in Christian leadership. The Equipping Group is honored to host him for a free, online workshop as JR shares themes from his new and award-winning book, The Scandal of Leadership.

Soma North America Retreat (Fort Worth, TX)
Worship. Renew. Connect.
The Soma Family Retreat is an annual event that gives participants an opportunity to make intentional time for worship, renewal, connection, and mission vision.

Sunday Services, Main Street Church (Chilliwack, BC)
Join me in Chilliwack, Sunday Feb 4, 9:00 & 10:45am
Auditorium Address:
9325 Main Street Chilliwack, BC, V2P 4M3